There are times in the days of our life when we wished we had what the other had. There are times in the days of our life when the other sits with more than what you have, and the realisation that you will never have what they have. There are times in the days of your life, when you wonder why they have and not you. There are times in the days of our life when, knowing what the other has can never be yours, that you begin to reconcile. There are times in the days of our life when you judge your presence in the presence of the other ; when you feel and realise the difference and if young enough not to be able to understand this social distance, do lament the fact of this ‘injustice’.
Youth and early years perhaps never drive our thoughts towards thinking of this ‘glaring discrepancy’ that is being meted out to us. We complain and question those that bring us into this world, as to why this has happened to us, why we are not on equal terms with our friend in the classroom, in college, at work and in our social circle. Many of us accept quite humbly that, that is how it has been fated. Many do not and revolt in their own way towards it. They either shun their company, at times cynically addressing them as that ‘superior lot’, or most often make them your closest, simply because you find great friendship qualities in them, or, and this is worthy of debate and perhaps too sensitive, you enjoy the accoutrements that shadow them.
But there are some that fail to succumb to all of the above and determine instantly the disparity, the want, the difference … and resolve to amend it. Amend it by immense power of will to never ever allow a situation of the others want and position. Of wanting to be not just like them, but to better their own standing, to be looked at the way, they had at a time looked at the other.
That is a resolve, a determined mission, a destination evaluated to be achieved. One that shall incentivate all energies in getting to it at all cost. And when achieving it to not merely dwell on it but to keep working at not just keeping it alive but enhancing it, each moment ; the insecurity of the past perpetually haunting our present !!
Those that have perhaps lived through generations of the ‘affluent’, may never allow such conditions to ever cross their settled minds. But those that have seen and experienced the inadequacies and wants of the past, shall.
An insecurity may drive one constantly, unrestful, wary and vulnerable in state. There is belief that the fear of insecurity could be enough to garner sufficient reason to continue in progress. There is also the mythic compulsions, if they can be called that, of what certain morals of life may have been instilled in us at early inductions.
The abhorrence towards greed. The worthiness of satisfaction. Of praising the Almighty for giving what He did, and not challenging it. Of acceptance, fulfilment, and the glory of having at least that which has been bestowed upon us.
Yet, there are some that refuse to rest on glittering laurels. Who take insecurity in stride, devour it, never
permitting it to raise its uncertain, and with the belief and the strength of their confident ritualistic curricula, drive on in marauding fashion, destroying all recognised and practised documented skill, climbing and conquering the highest and the mighty, at times, yardsticks constructed by themselves, towards unreachable peaks of excellence, achievement and power of singular presence !
There are times in the days of our life, when we ponder and acknowledge this power. There are times in the days of our life when we ponder too on why we were unable to reach such achievement. Why some were made greatly more than us - prettier, better, accomplished, and with the means that we shall never have !!
And … when we cannot discover the righteous answers to all, we fall back on that one aspect of all our lives - the faith and the power of the ‘unknown force’, on the one that resides ‘above’ and watches and conducts us through the baton of his philharmonic, on ‘karma’ and the theosophy of it, on deeds of our life in the past life, the good or the bad, the evil or the sacrifice done …
What an easy way out of all that realistically rests within us all, in our hands and in our minds. We stop because we feel defeated. We do not pursue because we wrongfully accept our limit. We allow the other to overtake us, because we know that it has been ordained thus …
Nooooo !!!
We shall fight the fight. Sweat the sweat. Attempt the attempts. And allow what we may have missed, to be dismissed.
Complexities shall and will exist, as must they should. There will be inequality and distinct distinction. The lesser shall always be in the awe inspiring, more. The bourgeoisie will ever find complexity in the elite and the class. That shall ever remain a constant, for some will ‘have’, and most ‘have not’ ..
But .. majority lies with the ‘have not’, and in all walks, majority rules. That then is the advantage. That then is the disadvantage of the ‘have’.
Pity not, nor ever make error of sympathy with the ‘nots’. That to me could be the most appalling and atrocious mis judgement.
A majority of life’s existence has been built brick by brick, by the ‘nots’. Look around you and see. Feel their presence about, for they have remarkable tales of how they ‘have’ now. If not by choice, at least by example follow them that did not tread the chosen path of lament, instead visit and ensure the proven path that they structured for the ultimate deed of survival and success …
There is however a matter of concern that must be addressed. The insecurity of inferior complex, gives rise invariably to the over indulgence of superiority.
Superiority complexes have the ugly habit of peeling off the tender skin of a festered inferiority.
May the effort and the labor of coming out on top ever be compelled to a brashness unbecoming of the acquired achievement. May they be Blessed that do and survive. It cannot form a recommended generalisation for many.
Those that achieve, take an earnest and pleasurable, honest look at their modest past. Some with humble pride, others with a certain disdain.
I would never be able to ‘look back in anger’. If all achievement were to be lost tomorrow, I would be happy and content with the class that I always have been. But then … this too is too presumptuous a thought - I need to believe first that I have achieved any, at all.
I share with you, all that comes to me when I talk to myself …
You have then occupied and inhabited me .. or so I strongly believe !!
Do I make sense? I don’t know!
With love....
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